For citation:
Antonyuk, V. S., Kornienko, E. L., & Vansovich, E. R. (2020). The Spatial Development Patterns of the Russian Federation Productive Forces in the Current Context. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (2), 314-327
The article focuses on the fact that with the abandonment of the planned economy and the transition of the Russian Federation to a market economy, a spatial transformation of productive forces took place, as a result of which it is very important to study the patterns of their development in a territorial context, as well as gross regional product. The gross regional product is interregional differentiation of the economy’s performance indicators. We have proposed the methodology of analyzing patterns of the productive forces’ spatial development in the Russian Federation in the modern context. The study determines the diversity of the productive forces development, as well as gross regional product per capita. We conducted the correlation analysis of the gross regional product depending on the state of productive forces, as well as a correlation and regression analysis of the relationship between the volume of GRP per capita, employment, the costs of fixed assets per capita, the share of sown area in the territory. Th e regions have been positioned in the coordinate system “gross regional product — the cost of fixed assets — population employment” in the article. We suggest the region-wide and selective options for state regional policy for the subjects of the Russian Federation.
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