2019 (16), №4

Territorial Clusters as a Mechanism for Spatial Development of Russian Economy



For citation: 

Fonotov, A. G. & Bergal, O. E. (2019). Territorial Clusters as a Mechanism for Spatial Development of Russian Economy. Zhurnal ekonomicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(4), 673-687


The article examines the role of territorial clusters in ensuring economicgrowth. Theprocesses of the formationandfunctioning of clusters, cluster initiatives, as well as the implementation of cluster policies were considered in the framework of strategic planning documents, including the Spatial Development Strategy document on improving the resettlement system and priority areas for the distribution of productive forces. An analysis of theoretical, legal and practical aspects of the implementation of cluster policy allowed problems arising in the process of formation and development of clusters to be identified. A set of measures was proposed for the development of territorial clusters as a tool for transforming the economy, increasing its competitiveness and ensuring growth. In terms of a system-forming element of the cluster functioning mechanism, a technological platform was proposed to enhance the efforts of cluster members in creating promising commercial technologies and new products, as well as to attract R&D resources. The functioning of the technology platform is ensured by system integration. The further process of developing clusters and cluster initiatives depends on improving the legal framework and methods of state support, as well as on developing the business and investment climate. Clustering provides the formation of a comprehensive view on the state policy for the development of the country’s economy considering the potential of regional economic entities.

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Andrei Georgievich Fonotov — Doctor in Economics, Proffessor, Departmental Head, Department of Science and Innovation Management, Division of State and Municipal Administration, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: afonotov@hse.ru).

Olga Efimovna Bergal — PhD student, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: olgabergal@gmail.com).

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