For citation:
Orlov, S. N. (2020). Program for Post-Crisis Development of the Russian Economy. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (3), 546-559.
The article provides an overview of theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the causes and consequences of the 2020 global crisis. In relation to the Russian economy, the answer to the question about the causes of the crisis depends on the government’s choice of the direction and tools for post-crisis development: whether it chooses to stimulate the post-crisis recovery growth within the already existing economic structure or to provide selective support and investment to those businesses that are capable of technological innovation. The article describes the technological patterns and periodization of monetary systems, in particular the financial stage of the American systemic cycle, which is already nearing its end, and the ongoing material stage of the new systemic cycle of capital accumulation. The analysis leads the author to formulate the national doctrine of state regulation and methodological recommendations for overcoming the acute phase of the crisis in regions and for providing government support for businesses and individuals.
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