For citation:
Maltseva, V. A., Vyalykh, M. A., & Maltsev, Al. A. (2019). Foreign Trade Component of the Russian Institutional Matrix. Zhurnal ekonomicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(4), 849-855
This paper raises the issues of the nature and the specificity of configuration of Russia’s institutional matrix. The authors dispute the widely held view of the “occasional” nature of the institutional choice. Within the framework of the matrix of Muscovy concept, the authors determined one more, element of the Russian institutional matrix — the pattern of foreign trade expansion, which is yet understudied. The manifestations of this pattern and resulting path dependence have largely shaped the expansionist mobilization system of the Russian economic development. The authors believe that this pattern has deeply rooted in the Russian institutional matrix, and its manifestations are still present. The change of this pattern and associated raw-exports-driven model calls for transforming the entire institutional matrix.
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