2019 (16), №3

Analysis of an Economic Integration Model



For citation: 

Bagdasaryan, K. M. (2019). Analysis of an Economic Integration Model. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 352-361


Formation of integration associations of any type requires selection of a certain integration model which will best meet the requirements for the presentation of its subjects and interests. To select an appropriate integration model in the formation of new economic associations, it is necessary to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of existing international integration models. The aim of the study is to identify common structural elements inherent in all types of existing models and to establish their logical relationship. The research method allows to reveal the features of the structure of integration models in existing integration associations, as well as to form new improved or simplified models based on the presented generalized classification features. The study has shown that there is no universal integration model for all associations in theories of international economic integration. Its formation occurs by defining the necessary classification criteria that form the structure in accordance with the interests and stated goals of the subjects of integration. However, glossaries of international financial, economic and political organizations do not give any definitions of an integration model, in particular, in the context of economic integration. Therefore, the application of an integration model of any association on the grounds of economic success is possible only in theory, but in practical terms, even taking into account the same goals and interests, it will create an institutional trap since the elements of the structure have different characteristics, and the functioning and interaction of subjects occurs in different conditions.

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Kniaz Mnatsakanovich Bagdasaryan — PhD Candidate, Research Associate at the Institute of Applied Economic Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: km.bagdasaryan@gmail.com).

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